Leadership is not a position, but a journey of learning.

The Leadiator

The harder the times, the more critical is the quality of an organization’s leadership. This includes formal leaders with titles and authority and individuals who step forward to bring people together. These regular writings speak to the kind of leader needed in times of crisis, great changes, and uncertainty. This kind of leader has the mindset, heartset, and skillset of a peacemaker who can bridge differences and unite everyone in a shared mission. I call this person a ‘LEADIATOR.’ (Leader + Mediator = Leadiator).


He is a gifted presenter and a subject matter expert in the field of ethical decision making and leadership. He has the ability to translate his knowledge into practical helpful skills and implementation steps.


Director of State Agency


From ME to WE

How To Become Leadiators 

The times call for leaders who can help others design collaborative approaches to the unpredictable, emerging challenges their organizations will face.

We Need Leaders

We Need Leaders to Generate Practical Hope Amidst Accelerating Change and Anxiety 

Naïve hope for a return to a new normal is an illusion. Practical hope is not the wish or belief that everything is going to get better. It develops from the conviction that the best way to plan and prepare for a world of accelerating change is to recognize that we are in the age of adaptation. The times call for leaders who can help others think more clearly and creatively about the unpredictable, emerging challenges their organizations will face. 

Leadership and Organizational Transformation

When I picked up a copy of Fast Company last month for some airplane reading, I became completely captivated by the unfolding story of a first-time CEO boldly leading a radical transformation of one of the 21st century’s largest technology organizations, Microsoft. I immediately downloaded his new book, Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft‘s Soul & Imagine a Better Future for Everyone 

Leaders, Managers, and the Right Thing

Every organization’s leadership team has the continuing opportunity and challenge to:

  • organize the business, nonprofit, or agency for learning,
  • facilitate the aligned contributions of employees and volunteers, and
  • be a beacon of conviction, clarity, and confidence that guides progress toward a shared vision of success. […]

Building Bridges of Understanding in Polarized Teams, Organizations, and Communities

The World Ahead In 2007, I had a unique opportunity to sit in a small group for two days and observe one of the world’s leading futurists paint a picture of the year 2025. We are more than halfway there and I see the wisdom of his vision of the trends and emerging realities of our world from local to global. He described a much more crowded world (1.5 billion new people) and the certainty of accelerating technological, social, and environmental changes that will present all of us with “hyperpromise and hyperperil.” […]

Critical Decision Making – Part 3: Shape WISE CONSENSUS

Why Consensus Matters Now   The pandemic and its possible consequences will continue to present large shock waves of change that rock all sectors (large and small businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies). There is no immunity. The organizations that survive in a transformed landscape of new risks, challenges, and opportunities will be those with leaders who […]

Critical Decision Making – Calmness, Clarity, Conviction, Courage, Part 2

‘Download’ a DPS (Decision Positioning System), a compass to navigate difficult situations.

  • During the pandemic crisis and the aftershocks of possible economic and social challenges, businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and communities will face difficult choices.
  • In a difficult time, it is important to move forward together.
  • A shared decision-making process fosters clear thinking, increases creativity, and builds unity. […]

Critical Decision Making Part 1

A Sound Decision-making Process Is a ‘Life Preserver’
This pandemic and the aftermath will likely present a series of challenges. The groups you are a part of (organization, church, nonprofit, neighborhood association, immediate and extended family) will be faced with decisions to navigate unpredictable waves of consequences. You may be able to anticipate some of these decisions. Others may arise quickly and require a quick response. […]

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